BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!: 2024 NeXT Basketball Skills & Leadership Summer Camp
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!: 2024 NeXT Basketball Skills & Leadership Summer Camp
It’s hard to believe that “March Madness” is officially here and gone yet again, and while many of us undoubtedly turned on the TV to watch a NCAA tournament filled with excitement, I can’t help but to think that summer basketball is right around the corner. Often my Dad has stated; “there are kids who play basketball in the winter and there are those who get better in the spring & summer.” My Dad believed – and still does – that you have to effectively prepare in the off-season to get your opportunity to play during the season. I agree. You also have to prepare to consistently win.
Everybody enjoys winning.
Winning has it advantages and at times it will provide notoriety, praise and accolades. As I mentioned, everyone wants to win but few decide to prepare to win. When one prepares to win they do so with little fanfare and attention. Whether it’s shooting hundreds of foul shots and jump shots in the driveway or spending countless hours in the basement working on ball handling the fact remains the same: there has to be a decision made to do the necessary work to get better; work you will do alone.
At the end of the day, there has to be a deep desire/willingness within a person to work hard towards their goal so when their opportunity comes – and it will – they’ve put in the necessary work and time to capitalize on their opportunity, aiding them to be capable of seizing the moment. Every coach can see who put in the work in the off season, and if every player is truthful with themselves they too know if they did the work or not.
So what role does NeXT play in all of this? I’m glad you ask.
The NeXT Basketball Foundation carries with it the philosophy that players get better in the off-season through intense competition, where iron sharpens iron, and spending countless hours on ball handling & shooting drills. Ask Steph Curry how much time he spent when he was a scrawny sophomore in high school – weighing no more than a 140 lbs – how much time he spent on ball handling and & shooting, and improving at his craft.
Everyone knows the answer… It was a lot.
The NeXT Basketball Summer Session is all about providing an environment that will aid your son in improving his basketball skills, increasing his ability to be a leader and preparing him to win on and off the court. The format we used last year was a success and the same formula will be implemented again this summer.
Notes as of 5.10.24: Registration deadline is July 15, 2024
1.) The NeXT Basketball Skills & Leadership Summer Camp registration is now available. The camp is for 5th through 9th graders only. If you son is in one of these grades during the spring of 2024 he is eligible. Please register in the correct age group. There is a 4th-6th grade group and 7th-9th grade group. Grade is based on grade as of May 1, 2024.
2.) When registering please state players name, grade, school and school district in the notes section of registration. Please register your son in either the 4th-6th grade category or the 7th-9th grade category.
3.) Please Watch: July 26, 2018 – Olentangy Liberty HS – Last day of camp.
NeXT Summer Session Dates/Times/Locations:
5th & 6th Grade Division & 7th – 9th Grade Divison
Registration Links:
4th-6th Grade Division:
7th-9th Grade Division:
Location: Olentangy High School
Dates: July 22 (Mon), 23 (Tue), 24 (Wed) & 25 (Thur)
Time: 7-9p
Finally, these are the words from the one-time NBA great Steve Nash:
“You have to rely on your preparation. You got to really be passionate and try to prepare more than anyone else, and put yourself in a position to succeed, and when the moment comes you’ll get to enjoy, relax, breathe and rely on your preparation so that you can perform and not be anxious or filled with doubt.”
I really can’t add anything to that statement.
I hope to see all the same faces from last summer and some new faces this upcoming summer. Please feel free to share this email with other players who love basketball, who want to get better and want to be encouraged to become a future leader.
2016 Summer Series
2016 NeXT Spring Series
2015-16 COBA
2015 Summer Series