Project 1st Step
Learn about Project 1st Step
Project 1st Step
NeXT is excited to partner with Soles4Souls and Jeni’s Ice cream this summer in making a difference in the lives of those who struggle with having one decent pair of shoes.
Something as simple as shoes plays a large role in the lives of those who live in abject poverty. Every day round the world there are children prevented from attending school, and adults are unable to work because walking becomes unbearable without one pair of serviceable shoes. A new pair of shoes provides relief today so thousands can succeed tomorrow.
On July 28, 2016 – the last day of our NeXT Summer Series – NeXT will be taking shoe donations at Upper Arlington High School from 6-8pm. Over 80 kids and their parents who will be participating in our 8-week summer program will also be participating in our 1st step campaign to make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Often all that is needed is for us to take the first step and decide to do our part. The steps need not be momentous; all that is required is to take that 1st step.
We believe it’s our responsibility to help. We hope you take the 1st step with us.